Friday 12/2/11-I took the day off, I tend to take Fridays as my rest day. After a tough week and to be ready for the weekend it works well. William normally takes Thursdays off since that is a travel day for him. William ran on lunch Friday and did his run workout 12x400's at the Dam. After work we had a great time with our running friends celebrating a friend and inspiration to our running community's Birthday!
Saturday 12/3/11-What a special day! We volunteered for the Girls on the Run 5K at Saluda Shoals Park. One of our 2011 goals was to volunteer at a rac, really wanting to give back to the community. One of our tri friends is a coach for GOTR and told us about this run back in September, we are so glad she did! We had a blast and the passion our friend who coaches a team has for GOTR just showed through when we saw her with the girls. William had the only water stop with 3 other people for 700-800 runners plus all runners had to run with a buddy. He was very busy and excited to see things from the other side. I had the opportunity to run with an incredible 12 year girl, who is a runner girl! She taught me more than I tough her Saturday and was a girl after my own heart in her running style. She ran a great race and ran faster than she ever had. She was so sweet and encouraging to her teammate as we went back on the course to cheer them on.
GOTR is a great program, I wish this was around when I was in Elementary and Middle School, it is very empowering for these girls. A lot of our smiling running friends were there volunteering andcheering which made it a lot of fun. We then hit the Saluda Shoal trails for a 8.5 mile run which included 10 x 1 min fartleks and 4 miles with friends. We had a great time running and catching up with them both.
Sunday 12/4/11-Christmas decorating and Sunday brunch of course! Then we hopped on our mountain bikes and road a mile to the gym (awesome!) quick swim workout-250m warm up 10x50 then 250 cooldown. Quick transition to change and off to Pump class for some weights. After we hopped on our bikes and road down to our community parade then road on home! It's a great day when we do not have to start the car to go the places we want to go riding, running or walking makes it so much more fun.
Have a great week and Run Happy--Tesm Schmitz
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